9) parades with grown men who don't care how ridiculous they look dressed like christopher columbus -- tights and all.
8) for one day only i don't have to worry about anyone giving me the evil eye.
7) the moment of silence in memory of topo gigio, the italian mouse from the ed sullivan show.
6) i get to answer my phone like they do in italy by saying, "pronto."
5) hear stories about the old country from people who've never been there.
4) don ameche film festival, right in my living room!
3) i get to say things like, "come si dice cio in inglese?" and "parli piu forte" and "favorisca di darmi del pane e del formaggio."
2) nobody tells me how bad my Italian really is.
1) everybody's italian for a day!
#11 -- It's Canadian Thanksgiving. Nothing very Italian about that, except families doing lots of eating together ... come to think of it ... that's pretty Italian, no?
Reason #1 for me... it helps me remember when my birthday is... and in related news, before the govenment decreed that all holidays were best on Mondays, I used to always get my birthday off from school.
@ raw me too! birthday twins. :) hooray for columbus day babies.
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